About Us
Raising awareness, Advocacy and Support for Children with Developmental Difficulties
Understanding the reason behind a child’s developmental and mental health difficulties can be challenging for parents. Every child is unique and may not fit into the typical profile which is described in literature. Delay in understanding the child’s profile and reaching the right diagnosis can delay the child accessing the right interventions.
Children with Developmental Challenges are present all over the world. Unfortunately lack of trained personnel, lack of awareness in health, educational staff, and the community results in long periods of suffering for the child and family.
dr. inyang takon
Early identification leads to Early Intervention and Improved outcome for Children with Developmental Challenges. Unfortunately, there is also lack of adequate resources to provide interventions for affected children in less developed countries.
Inyang Takon is an experienced neurodevelopmental Paediatrician practising in the united Kingdom, She has expertise in managing children with a wide range of developmental disorders. For almost two decades, Inyang Takon has been actively involved in the assessment and management of children with neurodevelopmental disorders. She has also been involved in developing resources on neurodevelopmental conditions for parents and professionals. Inyang Takon has also provided in teaching on developmental disorders on academic programmes in Nigeria. Inyang Takon’s educational, academic and career experience has exposed her to working across various parts of the world. This has resulted in her passion to raise awareness of developmental difficulties in the developing world and also provide support for Individuals and organisations working in this field. She plans to do this through hosting of webinars, podcasts, face to face training and online training.
Inyang Takon is also seeking to work with health technology innovators to see how systems can be developed to make therapy easily accessible to children in less developed communities. She hopes to achieve this through training of developmental health workers and providing online therapeutic options which can be accessed through mobile applications.
Inyang Takon is also the co-founder of School Doctor, www.school-doctor.com, a Social enterprise that helps with bridging the gap between schools, parents and health in the support of children with neurodevelopmental disorders. Parents can seek formal clinical assessment for their child through School Doctor.
Professional BIO
Dr Inyang Takon is an expert consultant paediatrician with extensive clinical experience in the assessment and management of a wide range of neurodevelopmental disorders. Her areas of expertise include ADHD, Epilepsy, tic disorders including Tourette syndrome, developmental delay, motor coordination difficulties and Autsim Spectrum Disorder.
In 1988, Dr Takon qualified at the Prestigious University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria and then completed her general paediatrics training between 1992- 1997 before completing a Masters in Public Health . In 1999, she moved to the UK where she received academic training in community paediatrics at University College London. She had further postgraduate paediatric training in general paediatrics, neonatology and community paediatrics in several hospitals in Scotland. She then received additional training in paediatric epilepsy and neurology at the Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital. Dr Takon completed an MSc in clinical neuropsychiatry at the University of Birmingham in 2014.
Dr Takon runs specialist epilepsy clinics for children with complex epilepsy and coordinates a joint outreach paediatric neurology clinic as well, where children with complex neurological difficulties are seen by a consultant paediatric neurologist. She is also experienced in assessing children with concerns relating to physical abuse and neglect. She is proactively involved in training and research and has carried out international research on both child epilepsy and developmental disorders, which have been published in several international journals.